Just recieved this from Cyrus One.

No empathy expressed for the Trauma caused to the residents.

@KT exactly what I was thinking... but first time I've gotten an email from them.

Knowing how businesses operate - I appreciate any response and explanation and at least they realize communication ahead of time is important. It definitely doesn't solve the overall issue but what would be a fix? They've already invested in the location - short of shut down and move this may be the best we are offered right?

@SW IMHO they can do lots of things. Put more noise attenuation structures around the generators, and the chillers too. So that the chiller noise is not constant disturbance. If the 24X7 chiller noise goes away, then the occasional and attenuated (if done) generator noise may be tolerable!! who knows!

Just received this from Cyrus One.

No empathy expressed for the Trauma caused to the residents.

@KT exactly what I was thinking... but first time I've gotten an email from them.

Knowing how businesses operate - I appreciate any response and explanation and at least they realize communication ahead of time is important. It definitely doesn't solve the overall issue but what would be a fix? They've already invested in the location - short of shut down and move this may be the best we are offered right?

@SW IMHO they can do lots of things. Put more noise attenuation structures around the generators, and the chillers too. So that the chiller noise is not constant disturbance. If the 24X7 chiller noise goes away, then the occasional and attenuated (if done) generator noise may be tolerable!! who knows!

@KT I agree with @KT. Notification is nice but the noise is still disruptive.

@KT Good points. They really didn't address the constant noise - only the unbearable ones we heard. 6am was not my favorite wake up (during April we sleep with windows open). I thought we were living in a military state! Haha

Thank you for posting @JG. Frankly they are full of it. Cyrus was suppose to be pre- notify the city of any changes. Upon contacting the Mayor last month, he was not aware of anything going on when he made returned calls to citizens.

No consequences....same behavior over the years.

Will the City of Chandler ever hold Cyrus One accountable?

@KT no because Chandler begged them to build there.

Jennifer Goehring Thats the unbearable fact. Makes me sad and angry.

@KT me too... that our city counsel would sell out neighborhoods like that. Who's to say it won't happen again?

At least your lines of communication have opened up! That is progress.

But hey! The project was completed two days earlier than planned. Go Cyrus PR team

I believe the City Officials are failing to see the noise pollution issue from the perspective of the sufferers. hence they are refusing to believe there is a problem. and therefore the inaction to help solve it.

Good just advice. I think it’s more of the frequency than the decibels which are harder to quantify.

yes. The frequency (pitch) is in a range that is very irritating to humans, and the harmonics of the base frequency.

Wonder how the manufacturers of these chillers sell their units guilt free- knowing that their products will harm humans. My prognosis - Chiller manufacturers will end up like Tobacco companies. They will be held accountable for their products bad impact on humans and made to pay. But the damage is already done to those whose health and lives are impacted.

The noise assault again this week is ridiculous! Call the Cyrus One Global Service Desk 866-297-8766 Option 2 spoke to a person who will escalate it to someone to respond. They know the schedule for when these "temporary maintenance" will occur; asked for them to share this info with concerned residents. Everyone needs to make a call to that number and also call Cyrus One's Public Info Line at 877-200-8123 voicemail message line. It allows for very brief message with your name, city of facility, and your contact # and what you are experiencing, date/time, what you are hearing. Make sure to listen to options at end to send the message! If you are a shareholder in CONE-please mention this as well! Cyrus One supposedly monitors messages received to see what actions they may need to take. Please flood them with your concerns/input. Please keep sending emails to the City Manager and City Mayor requesting to meet with concerned residents.

I called the service desk but had to leave a VM. May we get a count of how many unique individuals made the call? Please indicate by replying - "Call made". thank you.

@KT I called again today and spoke to a rep at Ohio office (where calls are routed to), so likely closed by early afternoon our time. They then inform their escalation team that reviews it and then they inform the facility manager here, James Lancaster. Anyone else calling Cyrus One? Emailed/called the city also.

Another day in paradise...could hear it through noise canceling headphones while talking to my husband

It’s absolute insanity how this can continue. I’m almost to Alma School and it bothers me.

We should take these recordings and play it continuously at the city hall (at the same volume we hear it)

I had a similar thought... outside their houses. If they don't cite Cyrus, how could they cite you?

@MG oh! No! We will be considered criminals and end up in Jail. Cyrus One has a PERMIT from CITY, and COUNTY to do their atrocities. The same policer officer who would support Cyrus One will arrest us! and the Mayor would report(in his state of city address) that certain individuals who were disturbing others were arrested and he is keeping the city safe. That's the burden of unfairness we have to tolerate!!

@KT they literally have a permit to exceed the noise limits and breach city codes? (I'm sincerely asking)

@MG Sincere Answer Yes. Based on what the company representatives has told us, All the equipment that is being operated by Cyrus One is Permitted by the City. The city officials on the other hand have told us they are not mandated to do a noise parameter study before permitting the use of equipment. This is how WE are the sufferers.

This is the reason I keep saying its the officials of City of Chandler who are responsible for the problem. They permitted it and continue to permit it. Not a single formal citation has been issued despite all the complaints? why?


I phoned the listed cell phone number for our district 17 Legislature J.D. Mesnard and left a voicemail requesting a call back to discuss the noise issues. I'm not counting on any type of reply. However, I find person to person contact much better than email. I will update you all of any contact back. I did speak personally via phone with Kevin Hartke (Chandler Mayor) a few weeks ago during the last noise issue. It was concluded from our conversation that he has limited power and is doing all that he can do within his power to help our community and that a very large chunk of the issue rests in legislation (which I have to somewhat agree with... but to a point). This is a multi layered issue and I'm over here peeling back the onion layers to try and get to the center.

Interesting bit of information from Dr. William H. Stewart, the former Surgeon General of the United States. In a keynote talk at a 1969 conference on Noise as a Public Health Hazard he stated the following: "Must we wait until we prove every link in the chain of causation? In protecting health, absolute proof comes late. To wait for it is to invite disaster or to prolong suffering unnecessarily." Excerpt taken from Paradise Destroyed The Destruction of Rural Living by the Wind Energy Scam by Gregg Hubner p.100 citation Arlien, Bonzaft, "The Noise from Wind Turbine: Potential Adverse Impacts on Children's Well-Being," Bulletien of Science, Technology and Society 31 (July 20,2011): 391. From one onion peeling person to another. I realize we're peeling different onions (industrial turbines vs. data centers) but noise is noise whether audible or inaudible. Thought this quote might be helpful in your toolbox.

Thank you!!! Everyone should be concerned including State Reps because they are not immune to the issue!!! It's just a matter of time and it'll be in their backyard as well.

@MB https://www.epa.gov/history/epa-history-noise-and-noise-control-act?fbclid=IwAR00r3tmHgu1IKSzDlQMoN-AqIu74TQ4jRFGV5qfZXG2kC3MXo7lLNS8S_Y

System faltering at the federal, level downwards to not pay attention to Noise.

@KT I did some reading about the EPA but it seems like they handed over most controls to state level. Is this correct?

@MB that is correct

I know someone who works in the Continuum Business Park, and this may have already been noted (I’m new to the group) .. it takes tons of fuel to operate those maintenance runs so trucks of diesel fuel are brought in beforehand (hence, Cyrus knows well in advance of a run). Also, Cyrus owns the undeveloped property between Queen Creek and their current location; so hopefully legislators will rush to prevent this type of noise polluter from being built (again) within a certain distance of residential neighborhoods going forward.

Lets face it, at this point we have one of two scenarios here. A) Cyrus is paying mega bucks to the city to leave them alone. Or 😎 The city really doesn't give a crap.

I believe B is the answer.

I’m going with B

A day of picket signs (noting Cyrus and city’s lack of concern) with news coverage might help - as a last resort

LP we can also lobby for change at the state level. It is hard work but isn't impossible! May be an image of text that says 'CHAPTER 1 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LOBBYING IN ARIZONA A. Whatislobbying2 Lobbying in Arizona means: Attempting to influence the passage or defeat of any legislation by directly communicating with any legislator; Attempting to influence any rulemaking proceeding by directly communicating with any state officer or employee; or Attempting to influence the procurement of materials, services or construction by a state agency when the person is otherwise required to register as lobbyist for compensation or is employed by, supervised by any level, or contracted with person who is otherwise required to register as lobbyist for compensation.'

LP Picketing is one thing that hasn’t been tried, we have been on the news (my husband and others interviewed), article was published in The Atlantic, we attended a city council meeting in red shirts, met with Marsha Reed and the CTO of Cyrus. They did end up spending 3 mil to wrap all of their condensers due to the previous complaints - but it still continues....Steve and Amy pioneered all of this, but today it’s still loud and woke us up very early. 😔

Dmc Coe Each time my husband and I think it’s an airplane at Chandler airport.. and wonder why a large jet would be taking off from there.

The city practically begged Cyrus One to come here during the recession. Gave them all sorts of perks...yet we are the ones dealing with the ramifications. Maybe the next days center should be in their backyards?

Does anyone know how many employees work at CyrusOne Chandler? I think it’s pretty minimal, don’t know for certain.

HNG I can hear it at Dobson and Willis...I can't imagine what it is like for those of you that are closer....


Since late 2014/early 2015 I have been struggling. I regret moving into Chandler city. As soon as my personal situation allows, I will move away. Below is the chandler city council minutes from June 2015 when I requested them to form a task force to deal with the issue. This was when just one building was constructed. Had the City Mayor, and officials really cared, they could have stopped the build out. or allowed the build out with alternate low noise solution. May be an image of text

The minutes is clear proof the City was made aware of the noise and potential for the problem to increase. Yet City officials did nothing

Next year 3 city council members and the mayor will be up for re-election. That’s a perfect amount of time to start pressing and pushing for concrete answers. For instance, did the mayor visit “the neighborhood” a few weeks ago? What were his thoughts?

@LP i never saw him show up. Anyone else??

Dear Chandler Residents,

We recently completed a power project at our Chandler data center campus and were contacted by the city that there were concerns around the noise emanating from the generators. We would like to update you on what was done and let you know that we will inform with this newsletter all future projects on the campus.

In regards to the project completed in April, additional power feeds were installed to the campus as well as switch gear maintenance that requires us to transfer load from the electrical grid to generators in order to make the needed upgrades. This was a two part project and was conducted between the hours of 6 am – 6 pm:

April 6 – Functionality Test – all power transferred to the generators. This was the loudest day as all generators were tested.

April 7 – Upgrades/maintenance w/ minimal generator use needed

April 8 – Upgrades/maintenance with roughly half the generators engaged

April 9 – Minimal generators needed, first half of project completed

No work was scheduled for the week of April 12-16. The second phase of the project was scheduled during the week of April 19-23 but did not require us to transfer the full load to the generators. The project was completed Wednesday, April 21, two days earlier than planned.

Any future projects that have potential to impact the surrounding community will be communicated through this newsletter so that both the city and the surrounding neighborhood ample notification. Please forward this newsletter to anyone who might find it of value. Requests to be added to the newsletter distribution as well as other questions or comments can be sent to MarketingPR@cyrusone.com.

Thank you,

CyrusOne Community Relations

From: kevin.hartke@chandleraz.gov
To: me

Hi KD,

Thank you for reaching out.
We called Cyrus earlier this week in response to their noise levels again.
What we found out from them was put in the Dobson Noise FB page.
I realize that that does not change the immediate situation.
I will be in your neighborhood mid morning tomorrow, listening to Cyrus noise and neighbors.

Kevin Hartke
Chandler Mayor


Karthic Thallikar, 2370 W. Thompson Way, Chandler, AZ recently sent email to the Council so he can continue to live at his residence. A company called CyrusOne Data Center recently started operations in the area, but the noise generated from the businesses is loud and intrusive, and runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He filed a complaint and recently spoke with Chandler PO and that while they can hear the noise, they also commented they thought it was similar to the noise from the 202 Freeway. He disagrees. The noise generated from the facility is heard all night long.

He would like Council to start a task force and look into a solution and ask the business to dedicate resources to abate the noise.